Traffic congestion isn’t just frustrating—it affects safety, commute times, and overall city efficiency. A well-designed Traffic Management System (TMS) keeps roads flowing using real-time data to manage signals, monitor traffic patterns, and improve decision-making.
Previously, TMSs were limited to major metropolitan areas and operated by local transportation departments with little integration or data sharing. Today, they are a key part of a smart city’s traffic solutions, helping cities of all sizes implement adaptive traffic timing, pedestrian counting, and parking management. They can even provide data for public traffic alert apps, giving residents real-time updates on road conditions.
Here’s a closer look at how modern TMSs work, why they matter, and how the Omnisight Fusion Sensor supports smart city initiatives.
Whether you manage a large urban area or a smaller city, TMSs help make roads safer and improve traffic flow. Here’s why these systems matter and how they make a difference:
A modern TMS continuously gathers real-time data to assess road conditions and traffic flow. Sensors, radar units, cameras, and induction loop detectors track vehicle movement, while mobile phones and smart vehicles provide additional insights into traffic volumes.
The system analyzes this data to determine traffic conditions, count the number of vehicles, track speeds, and detect incidents. Long-term monitoring helps city planners identify risks, conduct traffic studies, and implement changes that improve road safety.
TMS sensors can communicate with traffic control systems, such as adaptive signal timing (AST), to help optimize traffic flow. For example, a TMS can detect intersection traffic levels and control the lights to prevent unnecessary idling or stop-and-go driving.
During light to moderate traffic along a main road, the system can respond to current traffic flow by creating a green wave effect. If traffic intensifies, the TMS can control the lights, helping reduce traffic congestion and travel times.
With the right sensors, a smart city TMS can detect vehicles by type, size, and class. This allows a community to prioritize public transit or emergency vehicles as needed.
Traffic management systems actively monitor parking lots and structures. Advanced sensors track parking occupancy down to individual spots, providing up-to-date figures on lot usage rates.
City planners can use this data to assess whether existing parking areas operate efficiently and meet demand. A TMS also tracks how long vehicles remain parked, calculates idling times, and supplies key data to help planners develop more sustainable parking solutions.
Today’s systems can also detect pedestrians, supporting safer roads and streets for all users. With modern sensor technologies like radars and AI-enabled cameras, a smart city TMS can count people, look for crowds, and identify areas with dense foot traffic in real-time.
They provide the information needed to create safer or more pedestrian-friendly areas, identify potential overcrowding risks, and determine additional causes of traffic fatalities. It is an essential source of information for communities aligned with Vision Zero objectives.
The Omnisight Fusion Sensor is a single-device solution combining multiple sensor technologies in one through the principles of data fusion. Here’s how it can support your city’s traffic management system:
Omnisight’s Fusion Sensor is designed to support modern TMS and smart city initiatives. It integrates multiple sensors into one device with low power consumption, making it an excellent choice to reduce your community’s reliance on sensor systems or create a more sustainable TMS.
Get in touch with Omnisight today to discuss your traffic management needs.